Corporate Social Responsibility, our commitment

At Centoview we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We strive to make them happen in our day-to-day work, and we have made them a part of our strategy and vision. This page collects our highlights.

We promote good health and well-being of our employees. We commit ourselves to creating an environment where all genders can be equal. In our use of resources and system design for our solutions we aim for maximum energy efficiency. Our servers get regular updates to optimize energy consumption.

If we can continue to grow, it is because we offer our people decent, meaningful and challenging work in a stable environment. We are building a solid infrastructure, we promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.

We are well aware of the space we inhabit and work in, and we aim to help making our community inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. From using tap water to recycling batteries and optimizing energy use, we make sustainable consumption and production patterns happen. Through solar panels, sensor-driven LED lighting and a heat pump we actively strive to make our offices energy-neutral.

Faced with climate change we offer our employees alternative modes of transport and select vehicles with the lowest possible impact. We carefully collect waste and have it recycled to avoid it from ending up on land or in water. We make no compromises when it comes to integrity, so we work according to the highest ethical standards.

We plan to setup partnerships inside and outside of our field to make sustainability happen on an ambitiously larger scale. Because we realize we are all in this together.